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Vizziq Neuromuscular Trainer
Training Device
Dynamic Stability
Progressive Spring-Loaded Resistance
Neural Motor Planning for Gait Control
Decreases Self-Initiated Perturbation i.e. Freezing
Proprioceptive Feedback & Dynamic Stability
Activates 3-Inherent Fall Defense Mechanisms
Functional 3D Mobility Aid (No Dependency)
Gait Predicts Health Outcomes

Increase risk of morbidity in 3 years for every 0.1m/s decrease in gait speed
30 Yrs
Increase risk of mortality in 4 years for every 0.1m/s decrease in gait speed
1 in 4
Age gait begins to decline,
sooner when
illness or injury
Adults fall each year, with many caused by gait anormalities
User Testimonials
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